24 de setembre 2011

Bobby Sands, en el record

Aquests dies plujosos resorgeix el meu esperit celta i em ve inevitablement a la ment, en forma de record, la història de Bobby Sands. Una història que la vaig conèixer, gràcies a TV3 (la nostra Pirenáica de joventut), i que en va marcar vital i políticament; que el seu nom no s'esborri de la història!

"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one irishman who doesn't want to be broken"

Bobby Sands

"You cannot conquer Ireland. You cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom"

Patrick Pearse, 1916

Bobby Sands, Bobby Sands
Will you swear to bear allegiance to the flag of Ireland
Will you wear the black beret 
Will you serve the IRA
If you can you`re a man Bobby Sands

And when the sound of the battle is over 
It`s shoulder to shoulder we`ll stand 
To remember the brave young Irish soldiers 
Who fought for the cause of Ireland

Bobby Sands, Bobby Sands
Will you fight for the right to unite all Ireland
Will you wear the black beret
Will you serve the IRA
If you can you`re a man Bobby Sands

Bobby Sands, Bobby Sands
Will you travel the road where the brave and bold must go
Will you wear the black beret 
Will you serve the IRA
If you can you`re a man Bobby Sands